Monday, February 25, 2013

Test Day

in class today, Mr. Schick was not there. so we had Ms. Willan, and had a was open book so i was not really worried about it. i didn't really use my book but i did sometimes if i didn't know the answer. the test over all was fairly easy. i couldn't think of one answer, so i looked in the book. it wasn't there so i thought and thought but couldn't think of it. so i left it blank and went to the next one. i think i did very well on the test and at least passed.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Taylor the Teacher

today in class we talked about stuff on was very interesting and i thought it was cool. we talked about the movie 300 and how it was fake. the men were all oiled up and built like an elephant. we learned about the different government of Greece. I thought the subject was very interesting and would like to learn more about it. i think we should have a project on this. also a student,named Taylor was the teacher and i don't think she did as well as Ben.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ben The Teacher

in class today i didn't really take notes, because all the things we went over is in Mr. Schick's blog. class was interesting though. a kid named Ben was teaching the class and he was very energetic. he mainly read from the outline and Mr. Schick helped out with more information on the subject. Of the notes i did take i only remember one. and that is the only one i took. it was that the original languages were Latin and Greek.all other languages came from those languages including English.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ancient Greece Notes

today in class we went over two power points from other groups. i took some notes but not very many. i mainly listened to them talk and got the info in my mind. of the notes i did take, Mr. Schick told us to write them, so they must be important. here are the notes i took:

  • Peloponesian- semi-island, Sparta is located on it
  • the Minoan civilization arose on the island of Crete 
  • it drew wealth from control over the surrounding seas and from trade 
  • 1150 BC- 750 BC: Mycenaean got destroyed by the Sea People 
Those are all the notes i took today and i will probably have more tomorrow.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Google Presentation

So today in class Mr. Schick was not there. Our substitutes were Ms. Hugo and Ms. Doroba. We worked on our Google presentation, on Ancient Greece. The first mod of class, my computer was dead. Finally I got one of the other students to give me a charger and I got to work on the presentation. Mr. Schick was watching us the entire time and could chat with us. He was wondering why my group was not doing anything but eventually we got some work done on it. The people in my group are Cameron Exter and Damian Wies.  

Friday, February 8, 2013

Chapter One Test

in class today we took a test. i think i did very well and did not have any problems answering the questions. it did not take a long time to complete the test. i wish i had put my notes in my blog so i could have been sure about the answers. i still think i did very well. from this point on i will try to put all my notes in my blog and take good notes in class. i will do all of my homework and study as hard as i can for every test. if i do not do very well on my tests i will try even harder for the next one.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mummification Day

today in class we just took notes and watched a video. the video was about mummification and how they mummified someone. it was really interesting and would love to learn more. some people thought it was disgusting, but i thought it was cool. one student brought in some papyrus, with some writing on it. her dad got them when he was in Egypt and they were very old. oi thought they were cool and were very good pictures. it looked like they were printed on the papyrus but they were hand drawn. i would like to find out more about ancient Egypt, i think it is very interesting.    

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pyramid Builders

today in class we built pyramids. not real ones but virtual ones. my group was the 5th one done. it took me about 10 tries to succeed. my partner never finished and i was the person who did it. he didn't do anything. my teacher Mr Schick gave me a fist bump and i felt really good. i hope we get to do this more often. this class was really exciting, everyone was screaming. the class was really loud and annoying.   

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

LO 1 Essay

Was Jared Diamond right about Geographic Luck? No, I do not  believe he was right about it. the people of ancient times could have been put in the Arctic or another remote desolate landscape. the people in these times were put on or near the equator for a reason. that reason was to survive and prosper. if they were put in a cold region they might have died. instead of dying they grew wheat and barley and many other crops. Also they raised livestock and domesticated animals. if they were in cold areas the animals might not have been there. I believe that God put these people there for a reason and it was not just luck.