Tuesday, February 5, 2013

LO 1 Essay

Was Jared Diamond right about Geographic Luck? No, I do not  believe he was right about it. the people of ancient times could have been put in the Arctic or another remote desolate landscape. the people in these times were put on or near the equator for a reason. that reason was to survive and prosper. if they were put in a cold region they might have died. instead of dying they grew wheat and barley and many other crops. Also they raised livestock and domesticated animals. if they were in cold areas the animals might not have been there. I believe that God put these people there for a reason and it was not just luck.  

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping you would make more of a connection between Diamond's theory of geographic luck, and the material in the book. This essay barely mentioned the theory, and did not mention the book at all.

