Monday, March 25, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Groups 1-3 Notes

Olympia- mother of Alex the great
Alex- better relationship with her then father
First addressed as son of Zeus at Siwa
he was thought to be son of god
man and god
turning point in his divinity
esteemed arrogance in himself
overload of confidence
the greatest Greek god
god of thunder and lightening
father of god and man
father of all gods except Poseidon
Alexander the Great as a Young Boy
tutored by Leonidas
taught things like math, horsemanship, archery
Aristotle Taught
1. politics
2. drama
3. poetry
4. science
5. philosophy 
Learned Homer's poems
Aristotle gave him a copy of the Iliad to carry around with him in battle
 King Philip's Death
assassinated in 336 B.C.
Philip and body guard were lovers
Philips body guard was jealous
Body guard killed him  
caused great curiosity of who would be the ruler
Alexander became king at age 20
first thing he did eliminate all threats to the kingdom
he had various campaigns
campaign- a series of military operations 2intened to achieve a particular power
was the eldest son and became ruler

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Hellenistic- it is a word that is pertaining to the Greeks after the time of Alexander the great. it also relates to the architecture of Greece between the 3rd century and the 1st century Bc. and has to do with the fine arts style of Alexander the great.


 Athens only military aspect was its navy, the Athenian army where no match for the Spartans. When Sparta destroyed the Athenian fleet in the attack on Syracuse the war was basically over. Athens, the strongest city-state in Greece prior to the war's beginning, while Sparta became established as the leading power of Greece. The economic costs of the war were felt all across Greece; poverty became widespread in the Peloponnese, while Athens found itself completely devastated, and never regained its prewar prosperity.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Greece Movie/ Becca's Birthday

In class today we watched a movie about Greece. It was pretty cool and on Thursday we learned what the Red Light District was. I'm surprised that Mr. Schick told us but it's fine. I think some of the kids in the class were immature about it. It was also Becca's birthday today so we sang and she got to wear the birthday hat. I never got to wear it but I'm fine with that. Becca also brought us brownies and they were DELICIOUS!! I had to choose last and got the second smallest piece, Mr. Schick got the smallest. Any way, we took notes on the movie and i left them at school, but i will have them posted tomorrow.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BECCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!