Monday, March 4, 2013

Greece Movie/ Becca's Birthday

In class today we watched a movie about Greece. It was pretty cool and on Thursday we learned what the Red Light District was. I'm surprised that Mr. Schick told us but it's fine. I think some of the kids in the class were immature about it. It was also Becca's birthday today so we sang and she got to wear the birthday hat. I never got to wear it but I'm fine with that. Becca also brought us brownies and they were DELICIOUS!! I had to choose last and got the second smallest piece, Mr. Schick got the smallest. Any way, we took notes on the movie and i left them at school, but i will have them posted tomorrow.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BECCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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