Monday, April 29, 2013

Video on the Greek Peoples

Today in class we continued to watch the video. It is actually different parts and we are on part 2. It is actually very cool and interesting. It is about Tiberius and how is father died and what they did to his body. Tiberius' brother-in-law told everyone, "the first to make it over the wall will win the crown." The wall was the wall to Carthage and they fought inside the city for six days until the Carthaginians surrendered. Before we stopped we saw that Tiberius' mother did not like all of the poor people in the city, but Tiberius did not mind. I hope the rest of the videos are cool just like the ones we have started.  

Friday, April 26, 2013

Mr. Schick's Rage/ Video

Today in class we went over the tests that we took the other day. Mr. Schick was not too happy with the grades. He got very angry and loud. I did not do well on the test and a lot of people didn't do well. After he was done yelling and going over the test. He showed us a video about Rome. We didn't get very far before the bell rang and we took notes on it. These notes are posted below and there aren't very many, because the class ended. 
 The Republic (500 years)
They turned to the Emperors
Gracchus: hater of kings - displayed his body
Tiberius Gracchus ^ his son
- respected his father
- was murdered by the aristocrats
- started a terrible civil war
- prepared to destroy Carthage
- first to climb the wall will be ruler

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Test Day

Today, in class we took a test and i did not do well on it. I tried my best but I still failed. I studied for along time but still nothing. I even tried memorizing the song. Well I guess I can ask to retake it but i don't know if Mr. Schick will let me. But after the test we really didn't do anything and he told us to do other work or our blog for tonight. I am doing it right now and i did other homework during his class. I really hope he puts the blog grades in so i can see what i have to improve upon to pass his class.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Test Review

Today in class, we reviewed for the test and went over more of the song. He talked about what was on the test and what we needed to review. We are not able to use our blogs on it but if we know the song we will know most of the test. i do not know  if it is the scan tron or not. I do not usually do well on the scan tron. I need to pass this test and get a good grade so i can bring up my quarter grade. I hope i do well on it.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome (revieled)

Today class we took some notes on the rap. Mr. Schick broke it down for us (pun intended) and we took notes on what the song meant. Unfortunately my computer erased some of the notes i took and i have no idea why. But i do have them and i will post them at the end of this post. Also, in class we talked about our extra credit opportunity. I will either email the file to Mr. Schick or show it to him in class because I did it in PowerPoint. Well here are the notes I have:  
Tarquin- the last king of Rome
Raped an elderly woman (well respected)
Respublica- Latin for republic (peoples affairs)
the people demanded that the patricians to make the rules public
1. tablets
2. tables
had a forum for decision making- this was public
Consuls (2)
1. one year term
2. ten year break before you can do it again

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Video Fails

Today, in class, Mr. Schick decided to not make to video count. Instead we were able to make a Power Point that will help us study. Me and Damian did most of the work (that was surprise to Mr. Schick) and the others didn't really do anything. Towards the end of class i told them if they did not do anything, i would take their names off of it. That is when they started to do stuff and send me emails with pictures to put on the power point. Some of the pictures did not go with the slides and i cannot use them.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Movie Maker

Today in class we had to make a video to go with the rap, that Mr. Schick made. My group was not successful because it did not work. The video was only supposed to be 4 minutes, but Movie Maker said it was 10 minutes and were very confused. hopefully i can get it to work. if i can't i will get someone in my group to do it on their computer. I hope that i can get it working and get a good grade. 


The Romans where war like people who's first wars were against the Etruscans, Italian tribes, and barbarians.
-      After the Romans settled, they looked for allies an new land. The Roman military was exceptional friendly to the enemies.
-       Defeated enemies were often made allies and basically became a Roman citizen.

-       They controlled the Italian peninsula

-       The Roman Colonist were jubilant about the rights of citizenship because it was almost the same as being a true citizen who lived in Rome itself.
-       The Allies wanted full citizenship, these were denied

-       Rome became an expanding, absorptive political entity

-       By 250 B.C Rome conquered most of Italy, now this brought another rival city

-       Carthage was founded in 700 B.C by Phoenician colonists.

-       Carthage was a lot like Rome and had spread it's influences to North Africa, southern Spain, Corsica, and Sicily.

-       The wars happened between 264-146 B.C(three rounds)

-       The second Punic war happened in 202 B.C

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Comic Day

Today in class Mr. Schick wasn't there so we had two substitutes. one was Mrs. Doroba and the other was Mr. Shupe. We worked with a partner to make a comic of how Rome was made. The gods had children and then sent them down a river on a float, as babies. they were found by a she-wolf and she fed them and rose them. that they were adopted and when they were older one killed the other, with a rock, and named the city Rome. This was a little cruel but not for back then. Well Mr. Schick wasn't there because he was visiting colleges with his daughter in New York.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mr. Schick's Rap

Today's class was very interesting. We got in and sat down. Then Mr. Schick and his daughter rapped a parody of "Low" by Flo Rida. It was about Greece and was very catchy. Even though he was a little bit off tune, and not a very good singer, just kidding. Also we went over the test. I did not do very well and so did my friend. Tomorrow Mr. Schick is not going to be there so we have a substitute. In class we will be working on a comic strip and hopefully is will be fun and i will pass.   

Homework LO-1

  • Romans, like the Greeks, improved their empire and army. Punished slaves.
  • Mediterranean-middle of the world 
  • Middle of the Middle of the Middle- Italy 
  • they tought the gods gave them the perfect location 
  • they had the best climate to grow stuff and more room to grow stuff 
  • Three people that settled on the Italian peninsula: Latin, Etruscan, and Greeks
  • wanted to be more like the greeks 
  • had a Monarchy 
  • had a council of elders, to choose the king, name was the Senate 
  • they helped the king with decisions 
  • when the king died the elders choose the person to replace the king 
  • Latin- Respublica- Republican 
  • Patricians- upper class citizens  (BIG SHOTS)
  • Plebeians- roman comon people in cluding workers, small farmers, and wealthy people that were not Patricians
  • Republic comes after the Monarchy