Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome (revieled)

Today class we took some notes on the rap. Mr. Schick broke it down for us (pun intended) and we took notes on what the song meant. Unfortunately my computer erased some of the notes i took and i have no idea why. But i do have them and i will post them at the end of this post. Also, in class we talked about our extra credit opportunity. I will either email the file to Mr. Schick or show it to him in class because I did it in PowerPoint. Well here are the notes I have:  
Tarquin- the last king of Rome
Raped an elderly woman (well respected)
Respublica- Latin for republic (peoples affairs)
the people demanded that the patricians to make the rules public
1. tablets
2. tables
had a forum for decision making- this was public
Consuls (2)
1. one year term
2. ten year break before you can do it again

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